
Finding a center in the midst of the mad rush

Reylia Slaby
3 min readJun 12, 2022
“Burnout” Photography by Reylia Slaby

We are not here to live perfect lives. I know this, but to apply it to everyday thought has remained a challenge for me over the years. My inner climate can change abruptly, and for a while I’ve been trying to persuade myself that this manic rush is good .

The other day my partner told me something that I’ve been meditating on these past few days. “You need to relax just as hard as you work.” While on the surface level I knew that not only to be true, but something that has been told to us as creators for a while. Of course we need to rest. But hearing it put in that way made me realize how much I’ve been rushing, with very few breaks and limited moments of peace.

Sometimes it can be tempting to throw yourself in the flames. It can be very beautiful to watch something burn. I just didn’t think that my own combustion would be so addicting.

In retrospect, it is a bit funny that this picture was the first to be made in the series, that before everything even started there have been intense moments of burnout and spinning.

Image sketch by Reylia Slaby



Reylia Slaby

Reylia Slaby is a Fine Art photographer, writing about her love for creating, and how others can use art in their lives reyliaslaby.com | Insta @reylia.slaby